This month’s theme is:

The Night Sky

Night blooms
Promised dreams
Daylight slumps and sleeps
Snoring with coyote's call
Signals predators
Mr. Moon
grumpy, sinister
Plots evil
Hides his face
From tree owls lurking
On the prowl
City Life
Lights control
City lights
glamor of the dark
Summer nights
spark the dark

Tonight I strung together a garland of #haiku for your nighttime enjoyment. I used all three standards: 3/5/3 and 2/3/2 and the least popular but what I learned first, 5/7/5.

Can you tell which skies are from which location?

Thank you, Franci Hoffman, aka Eugi’s Causerie II, who picked this lovely theme.

If you are uninspired, check out the other participants of Colleen’s Tanka Tuesday.

Mark Your Calendars for Oct. 5th

Carrot Ranch Flash Fiction Rodeo Contest. Week Three will be right here.

34 responses to “#Haiku The Night Skies of Elderwood, Maui, and Melbourne”

  1. You are so creative with your poetry – besides the sentiments, your image and presentation are beautiful Marsha. No surprise your poem was picked for star of the week at Colleen’s. Congrats ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, Deb!!! Thanks for the nice compliments and also for letting me know. I am so thrilled.

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      1. As you should be! Congrats again Marsh. ❤

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        1. 🥰🤗❤️❤️❤️

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    1. Thanks, Marje for stopping by and leaving a comment.


        1. 🙂 Have a great week. 🙂


  2. Marsha, these are brilliant haiku! I started writing my poetry in a notebook so if I came across a journal or some other challenge I had my poetry ready to be submitted. Well done. I love them all. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I keep a copy of my posts on Google Docs. I also have a poetry notebook of poems I wrote so many years ago. The poems that I write now are much happier and have a broader spectrum of topics thanks to participating in Tanka Tuesday. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

        1. I don’t take any journals or submit to them either. That would be a great guest post or regular post, if you would write about which journals are the best or how you go about doin it. I remember when I first wrote poetry years ago it terrified me that I didn’t have everything in order. And you are right, they don’t usually tell you what you are doing wrong, or if they do, they aren’t very nice about it. I had a few pieces published, but it wasn’t worth the effort after a while. Now it is different because people publish their own poetry.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I’ll do that post after the Rodeo. Jane Dougherty is my go to for checking out journals and such. Some are a ripoff, and others are prestigious. I’d like to build a bit of poetry resume. Only time will tell. LOL! 😀

            Liked by 1 person

          2. You have lots of followers who would back you up. I felt the without the education in that field, I was not 1. respected, 2. knowledgeable about what made and didn’t make a good poem. And at the time I was right. You are in a different position than I was, and have spent years fine-tuning and honing your craft. When I submitted my poems thirty years ago or so I was a total newbie with a big head and lots of new education (as a teacher) who thought I could do anything well the first time out. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

          3. Well, we thought that way, I’m sure. My adage is, the older I get, the less I find out I know. 😂❤️

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          4. Amen to that! 🙂

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  3. I love how you strung these Marsha! Really lovely and great pictures as well!!! ❤️ Cindy

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    1. Thanks, Cindy It is relaxing to write, isn’t it?

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      1. Yes, if that’s all we had to do… lol

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        1. That is a total LOL for me. We found two three-week old kittens abandoned (probably by their mother) in our yard yesterday.

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  4. This is so beautiful….The idea of using the skies of different location and write a haiku for each sky is definitely a wonderful idea. Loved this very much. 🙂


    1. Thank you so much Goutam, for such a nice comment. I can hardly write without a photo. I’ve been photo blogging for eight years. It’s a tough habit to break. 🙂

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      1. Don’t think you need to break it as it is a good habit to inculcate. If a photo can complement your words, well that is even better, in my opinion. In this case the pictures are simply wonderful. Couldn’t recognize the skies though….have only been to Melbourne and that too once, decades ago. 😀

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        1. What a great word, Goutam, inculcate. Writing reminds me that I need to expand my lagging vocabulary. It’s so easy for me to get in the rut of using the same words. My night sky in Melbourne did not emphasize the sky so much and I hesitated to include it, but the sky is not usually the focus in a city as the lights of the city drown it out. Thanks again for your lovely comment.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. You are welcome. Sometimes while writing we all fumble for the right word….It eludes at that precise point in time. When that happens to me, i get frustrated and walk away maybe, trying to focus my mind to come up with the right word. 🙂

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          2. I get so upset with myself. Sometimes I can’t even come up with the right synonym that will yield the word I want even when ask Bing or Google. Vince and I were searching our brains for the word imprinting yesterday to describe how our rescue kitties follow us around. I finally said the word, but it didn’t sound right, so I looked it up. I was right. Vindicated!

            Liked by 1 person

          3. I can empathize with you on this. Guess it happens to everyone. And it is so frustrating. Sometimes I leave a writing unfinished and go off to sleep. The word then comes after I wake up. 😀

            Liked by 1 person

          4. I would say it is the problem with getting older if it had not been happening all my life. I can assure you that it does not get better with age. You are much younger than I am, so that is not encouraging, I know. 🙂 Have a great weekend, Goutam. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

          5. Thanks. Wishing you a great weekend too. 😊

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  5. It’s not nighttime now but I’m definitely saving this for later🧡👌🏾

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww Jude, You are the kindest. 🙂 It was nighttime for me as well.

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