I consider blogging social media. Yet we need to use social media for people to notice our social media. Today I experimented with social mediadizing my social media. I don’t know how it will go, but here’s what I did.


1. I edited my WP page about blogging and added a page, “Marketing Your Blog.”

2. I googled hashtags for Twitter because people told me to include # hashtags after the messages so that they go to more people. Google found several blogs that had already done the work of finding hashtags for authors, bloggers, photographers, editors… I cut and pasted some hashtags onto my new WP page and credited the blogs. Easy peasy.

hashtag tweeting3. Then I told my twitter world all about my new page on WordPress that will help me to market my blog using hashtags. At the end of the link to my tweet, I copied several of the recommended hashtags.  Hold on. I’m going to check my page views. Be right back… I’m back. (… means pause)

twiddle my thumbs

So far no one has noticed my new page, not one click, hashtag or no hashtag.  But my Twitter account buzzed all day. I got 2 new followers, 1 person retweeted a post, two people wrote their own description and referred their followers to my post, and 6 people liked it. That was pretty amazing to me.  Thank you Twitter friends. 🙂

While I’ve Twittered, I ignored my FB fan page, and I’ve lost one poor soul from my likes. Fell off my wall, like Humpty Dumpty and is probably lying in a broken gooey heap at the bottom of the internet somewhere dark and ignored.

Humpty Dumpty

Social media is like juggling. I get one media up in the air, and the others crash down on my head. It amazes me how many followers some of my Twitter-happy experts have. Into the K’s.

Really? Remember the 1960s ads that promised that you could make $5,000 from home without a high school education just by licking envelopes? I think I sent in a few envelopes when I was 10.

One tweeter published 200 more tweets than I did over the couple of years we’d both been tweeting, but listen to this – He had about 43K followers and I have 415. So I asked myself, am I tweeting too much? The less you tweet the better you feel, so don’t tweet yourself at every meal?

One self-proclaimed twitter expert said, “Tweet your posts two times a day because people might miss them otherwise.”

follow me

But If I do that I’ll end up with twice as many tweets as that 43K guy and have 418 followers, and he will tweet maybe two times and have 86K followers. (Not that I care, really, I think it is an interesting phenomenon.)

cat, pet, writing, blogging

This is pretty boring to most of you, but elementary teachers birdwalk.

writing description.
writing description.

Yesterday, when I wrote the description of the house that I thought I asked you to describe, I obsessed about the angle of the downward slope of the roof.  I drew it on a piece of paper, then I asked Vince to estimate it. Then I measured it with a protractor. He was right, 3 degrees.

Now does anyone honestly care that my fictitious character, Sarah Clay’s house in Girls on Fire has a roof that slopes from east to west by 3 degrees? I doubt it, but I probably spent 10 minutes trying to figure it out.

fingers crossed

By the way. it turned out that the way I posted my pictures yesterday some of you Ralph thought I needed a description of this girl with her fingers crossed. He came up with some creative descriptions.

Brandi Jo Newman, another person who stole Another Day’s picture and photoshopped her out of it. 😦

Tell me what you did this weekend.  I hope you did something more useful yesterday than I did.

And how do you mediaize your social media?

Thanks for the pictures, Google.

19 responses to “Social Mediadizing Social Media: Three Tricks That Didn’t Work – Exactly As Planned”

  1. Good post, Marsha. I like Twitter but have a bit of a like-hate thing with Facebook. I took down my author page on FB – it just seemed to attract fellow authors not readers which sort of defeated the purpose of the page. I like tweeting and though I originally signed up to help with marketing my books, it quickly became more than that and I rarely mention my writing on there nowadays – apart form announcing blog posts. I also deliberately keep the follower numbers below the 1000 mark as more than that just gets unmanageable for me.

    As to your obsessing with the roof slope details – haha I share that trait – I think it goes with the territory of being a writer.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am so glad we became friends. My FB page is just fun. I’m not doing anything really with it other than posting my blog and a few pictures since I don’t have any readers yet. 🙂 I have it up to prepare for the time I might. So I just put stuff out there, and whoever is interested, then YEAH! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post, amusing, well-written and true-to-life-good-advice. Much enjoyed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the kinds words.


  3. Social media is a promotional tool, while blogging is a form of self-expression. When I first started blogging, I thought necessary to use social media too. But not anymore. Actually I have recently deleted my profile form all social media including face book. I blog only because it is how some of my writings see ‘day-light’. That is all. As a writer I believe it is first and foremost important to create something of substance, before to promote it!

    All the Best,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You do create some amazing pieces, Daniela. I work hard on mine, and at the time I think they are good. They are as good as I can do at the time. Since this started as an experiment, the social media came with it. Now I am almost as addicted to the social media as I am to the self-expression. I love reading and interacting with others, learning from them, battling with them (in the case of Ralph), laughing or crying with them in the case of Daniela. I see different things on each type of media, and I enjoy them all. I would never get to some of them without the other medias. Take care, and thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment. I miss you. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Followers are like acorns. Few grow. The rest, the squirrels get them ! In a way I am so pleased that they don’t all comment. 1500 comments per post I would die !
    I don’t twit. I only have G+ for my posts. WP is more than enough for me to cope with.
    We did have a little bit of confusion, didn’t we MVBFM ? *crossing fingers* xox ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You would die. Your fingers would be more crossed than those in my picture. 🙂 That’s a ton of visits per post. You are the king. 🙂 You don’t need to twit. I’m glad you have Google +. I enjoy seeing them there, even though I’ve usually already seen them via email. I’d die if my posts were that popular, too, if they all wrote. You write such cute comments back to everyone. It takes hours to read your posts because I have to read all the comments, too. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wow ! Thank you so much my friend. You are the last comment I am going to make tonight. Goodnight MVBFM xox ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  5. You’re on a roll, today! 😀 I have no idea how to use Twitter, and I probably won’t until I decide to spend time figuring it out. Until then, I will remain a luddite. Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a fabulous word. I had to look it up, of course, and clicked on this discussion of the word. http://www.eham.net/ehamforum/smf/index.php?topic=66130.0 I’ve been tweeting for a while, and it has it’s place, but it does take time to decide that it’s interesting enough to take the time to do it. They all have their places, and they all take time. WP is my first stop. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I really don’t have the time to try to garner thousands of disciples. I know that most of my 694 ‘followers’ on WordPress don’t count for anything, as they never like or comment, so probably don’t read my blog. I see people with thousands of ‘followers’ who only get a couple of comments. I’m more than happy with my lovely, regular blog friends that I can interact with on an almost daily basis.
    btw….That isn’t my hammock. Mine doesn’t have tassels. 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I agree with this for sure. I have the regular people who leave lovely comments and start interesting conversations and I try to do the same on their blogs. And that is fun.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. And then we chat on the computer, and join each other on FB and plan trips…

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    2. Nobody has time to stop and chat with 25K people a day – at least individually, and that’s the only way you make friends, chatting one by one. Nobody has time to even chat with 694 followers every day. Keep coming down. When I am swamped, I barely have time for 2-4 – on their sites, maybe a few more on my site, but not even close to the number of good friends I’ve made on WP (probably 20-30 really good friends, but many I only talk to occasionally now.) When I do talk to those friends, it’s just like face to face friends, we catch up on things and are so happy to see each other, then there’s another break. Nonetheless, it takes an investment of time to get to know each other at the start, and 43K??? Not realistic.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I don’t think it matters what you do, only that you do it persistently and consistently. If you want to be a Twit, be a Twit. If you want to get LinkedIn, get LinkedIn. If you want to blog, blog…………. but do it persistently and consistently.

    There also is a tit for tat phenomenon that always has existed in the world from my study of history. You do something I like, and I’ll do something in return.

    I’m pretty much a blogger, but no one would ever stop by my blog if I didn’t stop by theirs. If I stop by theirs first, I’m the tit and 10% of the tats stop by my blog within 24 hours. 80% tat me within 30 days. 10% tat me when they get around to it, i.e., beyond 30 days.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. You are right, of course, RR, but you know me, I have to experiment or stop breathing. I like breathing. 🙂 I love tatting by your blog too. 🙂 Your blog is consistent in content as well as how often you post. Mine is as random as I am. Yet, we both enjoy our other social media. I sometimes click on your post because I see it on LinkedIn, or sometimes on FB. I’m not as good about using email, but sometimes I do that too. Of course, you have your amazing system. Anyway, thanks for tit tatting by, RR. See you at your blog soon. Say hi to Jim for me. Tell him to play me a tune on your blog so I know he’s still alive. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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