For the most part I see things through rose-colored glasses, and I exude sweetness.  But don’t bug me, and think you are bee-ing funny or cute!  I can sting,

Through my eyes

My time to wear glasses came in fifth grade.  They looked about like one of these, and through them I could see that trees actually had individual leaves.  But I looked like a clown when I looked in the mirror.  So I boycotted my glasses most of the time until I was old enough to wear contact lenses.

From the Best of Valley Quilt Show, 2013
From the Best of Valley Quilt Show, 2013

Contacts worked well until I turned about 42.  At that point something strange was going on with them!  They were so dry, and I could no longer read the answers in the teacher’s math book.  Totally frustrated, I went back to glasses.  As soon as I was brave enough, I had lasik surgery.  Unfortunately, even with surgery, I still have an astigmatism, and through my naked eyes, Jennie looks like this.

Through my eyes

I still wear glasses.  I can see clearly now.  (sometimes).

For more ideas of how things look through the eyes of others, click here.

20 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge – The world through your eyes”

  1. […] Weekly Photo Challenge – The world through your eyes | Marsha Lee […]


  2. Aggrieved to learn of your eye troubles and your astigmatism. I, to my dismay, have, supposedly “above average” vision, great for flying hornets or some rubbish. But I loooooove glasses. So I came up with a solution when I was wee. First, it was oversized colourful cat-glasses without glass in them at all. Then my style evolved to bookish clear plaino and slightly tinted glasses of all kinds. I love them. I am addicted to them. I’m constantly on the hunt for more styles. My mum and I used to compete. She had all kinds of glorious, excessively colourful, reading glasses, of which food exploded onto magically somehow, and I had my clear plaino styles. She won of course. 😉

    Sir, who can really relate to this post, wears reading glasses and looks like a professor. So fun to photograph.

    That quilt is absolutely BRILLIANT! And gorgeous photo of my lil’ bee friend there.


    Autty Jade


    1. My little brother was like that, too. In kindergarten he was quite taken with a fellow student. It was the first time he had seen an African-American, and he wanted to look just like Joe. Joe wore glasses, so Mom got him some red plastic glasses. He donned them and proudly said, “Now I look just like Joe.” He didn’t need real glasses until he was an adult. 🙂


  3. You weren’t wearing glasses when I saw you. I have been wearing them since I was 24, I also have the astigmatism, I think, I can’t focus on vertical lines. My optometrist told me I couldn’t have surgery that it wouldn’t work for me, which I hate, so glasses it is. I tried contacts, but there is something weird with my left eye and they won’t stay in, the op thinks it is my eye getting too dry. Quite annoying. Glasses are always dirty and I feel like I am constantly looking though fog.


    1. You’re telling my tale! LASIK partially corrected my astigmatism, and I had one eye redone to fixit. The other eye I left. It is for close up anyway. My op told me not to redo it. It annoys me to death😁. So I don’t use glasses for general seeing. I have two pair to correct my short distance eye when I drive, and drug store glasses for reading. :). LASIK does make your eyes even drier, but I’m still glad I did it!


  4. Sorry about your ongoing eye problems, Marsha. I wore contacts for reading for about 20 years until the dry eye syndrome caught up with me. I had amazing cataract surgery a couple of years ago, and am so thrilled that I can see clearly now without glasses or contacts. 🙂 Love that first pic, and the quilting is stunning.


    1. That was a great quilt! It was part of a quilt challenge section. I will have to do cataract surgery in a few years. I’m letting them ripen before I let them open my eyes again. 😃


  5. I’ve never been brave enough to do Lasik. Maybe some day. Until then, it’s glasses for me!

    I love lying on the dock at night in Maine, then taking my glasses off to look at the sky and putting them back on to really see the stars. I remember being amazed at how many stars there were after I first got glasses. :o)


    1. In 7th grade we had to draw constellations. There weren’t any. I just made up stuff!


      1. Oh, that’s funny. I’m sure yours were very creative!


        1. I’m not sure. I didn’t get a good grade! Haha!


  6. I understand the challenge… I was about 10 when I was given these awful pink funny shaped glasses, not oval, square or round… I remember crying myself to sleep… remembering my new image.. my parents promised to get me contact lenses, which I loved and was so thankful for… Now my near sighted is perfect without glasses, so wear some cool glasses I found in Spain and take them off to read… slowly I’m having faith that my vision is totally correcting itself as if by magic… no more of anything…


    1. No way!!! Lucky you!!! Mine was so bad that at night when I hot up, I could see nothing! That scared me, and I decided that 30-40 years more of the wasn’t acceptable!


  7. I wear glasses, Marsha, but they’re only a recent addition (actually it’s been 20 years – how time flies!) I think this is a great post for the challenge 😀


    1. Haha 20 years flies by in a second! I think I’ve had LASIK for about 10 years. I love it even if it’s not perfect! Glasses are the easiest, but not very comfortable!


  8. You are braver than I, Marsha. I contemplated LASIK but never took the plunge. I don’t like variofocals but wear them even so. Maybe it’s not too late but glasses hide my face and that’s probably good 😉


    1. Haha! Your face is fine either way! And your eyes are great for taking pictures!


  9. […] Weekly Photo Challenge – The world through your eyes ( […]


  10. I have always had vision problems my whole life (5 eye surgeries) so I probably don’t see like anyone else in the world.


  11. Excellent. Made me laugh!


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