Thirty-nine hours

Face to face blossoms grinning

Spring dreams never fade.


Kudzu on phone poles

Recalculating again

Summer vacations


Autumn reds and golds

Birthdays remembered with joy.

Reflected in lakes


Tsarina shivers.

Siberian silence roars,

freezing her smile.

Haiku uses an economy of words to paint a multi-tiered painting, without “telling all”.[9] Or as Matsuo Bashō puts it, “The haiku that reveals seventy to eighty percent of its subject is good. Those that reveal fifty to sixty percent, we never tire of.”[10]” Wikipedia

23 responses to “Stab At Haiku”

  1. What an absolutely thrilling photo!!!! What a privilege to visit this place- what an ultimate utopia.

    What a beautiful and delicate evolution the haiku poems undergo, flowing and converging, so tantalizing. Such vivid images come to mind, with nostalgia. Such delight in words and experience and emotion evoked through them. I was especially drawn to the image of the kudzu crawling about the telephone poles- that really punched through to me with a strong familiarity- a highlight of something so beautiful, and dolefully overlooked sometimes, making gorgeous a thing mundane, an old weathered, stolid telephone pole. Here the wild grapevines especially like to crawl about everything as you probably remember, along with the decorations of moss and lichens, beautifying the man-made things we see every day, making them seem new and fresh and apart of something living…and there I went…on a ramble tour again…oh dear.

    I am just in love with this post, too excellent. Glad I staggered over it and fell into that exquisite field of flowers, delighting in your images. Right, right! The speckled cat is begging me to throw the ball for him so he can fetch it. It is a bell-ball. He loves it. If I don’t play, he’ll start pawing teasingly at the two wee cats to make them bellow, all for his for entertainment, he thinks- rascal he can be! So I better stop rambling to you now and start shooting balls across the room! Cheers to you,

    Autumn Jade


    1. Wow! that’s an old one post! October, 2012. I had to go back and reread it to find out what you were responding to. The picture was taken years ago above my friend’s house. My friend and I hiked up to the top, but we were taking a breathing break! Those beautiful flowers develop into thistles by fall! Don’t let your cats play in these pretty flowers! 🙂


      1. Yes, I was browsing about your posts via category. I just LOVE thistles! Cheers!


        1. mmmmm yummy! I could send you some! 🙂 Well, maybe not, You’ll have to come out and get some, though! 🙂


          1. Sounds excellent, I would be delighted


          2. You’re a sharp gal, but you’d be even sharper after eating those thistles. Sharp as a tack, I’d say! 🙂 Did you get the point of this comment? Ouch! I guess you did! Don’t get prickly over it! It was just a joke! 🙂


          3. My dear lass, you are attempting homicide!


          4. hehehehe The evil rubs off! Did your ears burn tonight? I tweeted about you. 🙂


          5. Oh no! YES they did! I noticed some very fierce stabbing in the upper pinna region of the ear, it was most atrocious. You must have mentioned some ABOMINABLE word, did you not??? Yessss….the evil HAS been rubbing off…..oh no, one notorious villain is enough, I cannot bear to weld a heathen out of a dear darling Marsha Lee…what have I DONE???!!! And Dr. Frankenstein thought HE had it bad! What an oaf!


          6. kee hee hee hee! 🙂


          7. My dear lass, Is there anything more chuffing than chortling with you??? I think not!! Cheers!!

            Autumn Jade


          8. You keep me chortling all day and night long! I mean, without your intervention, I might never have even learned HOW to chortle! You are the queen of chortling!


      2. Ah, I just had to share this song with you very quickly, as it was just the song that played in the mind as I read your poetry-

        Hope it works! Cheers


  2. […] Stab At Haiku ( […]


  3. Lovely. 🙂


    1. Thank you Rhence. By the way, my middle name is Lee. Just call me Marsha. 🙂


      1. Oh. Okay Marsha. 😉


    1. Thanks, a friend’s property. It was a long walk up there!!!


  4. Marsha, these are really good.


    1. Thank you very much! It took a lot more time to write them than I thought, but they were pestering me in the middle of the night, so I thought I’d better let them out!


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